Commercial interior design has a measurable affect on business performance and how customers and clients react to your services, so a bespoke marketing suite can be the best ambassador for your business. A well-designed suite can differentiate your brand in the eyes of your customers as a market leader and a brand that they want to do business with, so we’ve put together some tips on the fundamentals of branding for your space.

Keep your branding consistent

If your business has followed the same colour scheme for years online, don’t confuse your customers with a muddled colour scheme offline. Timeless interior design rests on being true to brand identity. Brand familiarity and trust are intrinsically linked, so replicating the same branding that has built up your audience makes commercial sense, on the outside of the building as well as the inside.

Think like a customer

Clients will make critical judgements as soon as they walk into your suite, on the quality of your fixtures and fittings, what your colour scheme says about you and which focal points draw the eye as they transition into your environment. Manage the expectations of anyone who walks through the door by ensuring that your reception is inviting and well-presented.

Utilise your lighting scheme

Lighting is one of the most essential things to get right, turning your office into a space you love and one others will enjoy, too. Light can, cleverly, be used to assist your sales process. The impact of lighting at the point of sale can be underestimated, but today’s smart lighting solutions are creative, intuitive and highly personalised. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that we need good light at work and at home to feel happy – the American Society of Interior Design found that 68% of employees complain about the lighting situation in their offices. Lighting manufacturer Zumtobel also reckons that it increased sales by 12% for a German retailer after a new lighting scheme was installed in a store in 2015.

Keep the layout simple

Cut the clutter to keep visitors focused and engaged. The same principles of design can be applied to a variety of sectors. Just as you would want to guide a customer effectively around a retail space to increase sales, clients should be able to drift from feature A to feature B easily without distractions.

Decorative features can add a unique twist to your space, but finishing touches can quickly become too busy, and you don’t want people to become so distracted that they lose sight of what you can offer.

…and informative

We love applying luxury aesthetics and timeless fashions to a project, but our creative team also know the importance of providing all the information that customers and clients need to navigate around a space easily. Our complete package includes marketing and public relations, which is reliant upon great communications to launch and sell a development. Guide clients around the space with the information they need to make informed choices.

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